Reported: 10 July 2020
Location: Easton Clump, Nr Easton Royal, Wiltshire
Lead photograph by Nick Bull
A small crop circle with an intriguing take on the classic quintuplet. One to appreciate in its landscape.
Reported: 10 July 2020
Location: Easton Clump, Nr Easton Royal, Wiltshire
Lead photograph by Nick Bull
A small crop circle with an intriguing take on the classic quintuplet. One to appreciate in its landscape.
I’m having so much fun this season, it’s inspiring. I feel a second novel coming on now I’m developing the additional material. Are you having fun too poezewoefke? It’s nice that you didn’t mention the whole driving-past-the-farmyard-CCTV-side to this circle (Closed Circuit TV, not China Central TV) . Like Martinshill a good artist can be undermined by a flock of drone pilots rocking up before sun-up to feast on the bounty. It tends to get noticed. The last thing anyone wants is another agent of chaos publishing routes into the field on that one. It’ll all get blamed on Team Stick of course, some people think it’s pretty funny to publicly blame them for *all* poor work (regardless who really did it) – like a “jinx”. Artifacts left in the field, missing elements, doing it all along a drill line so many ways to fail, so many ways to lay it at the door of a particular team, even when those teams morph into other teams: so so fluid.
It was only this morning The Croppie learned of the CCTV matter. A camper van, wasn’t it? It’s not clear to The Croppie at this time how this implicates whoever was in that vehicle with the making of this circle. Maybe we will see.
The Croppie doesn’t imagine any circle makers will be affected by what gets said about them in the online pantomime. If they’re even remotely concerned then they’re in the wrong game.
“The Croppie doesn’t imagine any circle makers will be affected by what gets said about them in the online pantomime. If they’re even remotely concerned then they’re in the wrong game.”
What is it that you see yourself bringing to the field, Croppie? Are you making things better for everyone by your own behavior via social media channels? Is it the approval of your peers you seek? Who do you consider your peers? It sure looks like there are a few particular people you bend over to impress. Do you like conforming to their aesthetics or do you have your own, somewhere down in there? This will sound like a critique, but it is not. Rather an observation. Your aesthetics seem highly conformant with external influences: the expectations of the crowd. Trivial example – Joanna likes suns and crescents, not angles and dissonance. Like a MadMen-era focus group housewife who prefers rounded wine bottle labels to rectangular ones. Possibly working out some Freudian issues there. Her circles near Dundas were shocking, frankly. Anyhoo. Are you happy with this? We’re not really convinced you are leading, driving or fooling. It looks like compliance and justifying it after the fact. Don’t play the dispassionate observer; we both know you’re not that. If you want to make circles that’s sweet, but you’re not just making circles are you? Your extra-curricular klotestorm evidences this. You want more and you crave notoriety, even though we are in the era of scrambling the disguise to foster doubt. It’s not stylish attempting to climb by treading on others and sorry pal,.. but you’re no Moriarty.
So today I’ve spent all the cycles available considering your circle making career. This session has reached a point where I need to jump off the pot and press the flush handle. Such a relief. Back to drafting, man’s gotta eat. Namaste!
You’re entirely welcome to your own opinion (including wildly inaccurate assumptions) and please don’t let The Croppie stop you from expressing it, whether it be here or on social media. Someone, somewhere may possibly be half-interested.
Now that I’ve finally got a bit of time I thought I’d take the time to respond to you, Peeter.
For the past few years a few circles groups have been full of gossip from a small handful of people. This circle was made by that guy who runs The Croppie. That circle was made by him. He did it with a coded message inside it. All that type of thing. Ultimately it’s all speculation based upon nothing other than a predetermined conclusion around which you’ve helped to construct a conspiracy or two. Truth is you’ve no idea who made what. Just guesses. You just see what you want to see. Take this stuff with Joanna Emery. Before last year she wasn’t even on my radar until the originating IP of someone who browsed an unnamed website was said to be in Toronto. That apparently meant Joanna was the one and the same person as a Facebook user called Jack Jane. Even now I haven’t read anything Ms Emery’s written in her own name. I’ve no idea if she likes crescents, wine labels or 60m diameter circles. Last year I was apparently putting down circle designs by Karen Alexander. Then there were members of the long defunct Team Satan teaching me circle making techniques. It’s all fantasy land constructed by individuals with their own agendas.
I’ve never tried to play the ‘dispassionate observer’. There is an open acknowledgement of human circle making in these pages. It happens. I’ve never shied from admitting my own involvement in the past. You’ve no more idea as to my circle making record than anyone else. I find it hugely entertaining to read of what I’ve apparently made when, in truth, I’m way more likely to have been snoring under a roof. Unlike certain ‘land artists’ with whom you’re aligned, there are way more circle makers out there who just do their thing and stay quiet. They do so in order that there is nothing linking them to any specific formations. Unlike your man they don’t want fame. As speculators then name those who they believe were responsible for a circle, those same speculators inadvertently only help to muddy the water with their frequently incorrect guesswork. Rather than hinder circle makers, the speculators are essentially helping them.
Social media… I post as Paula McIntosh on Facebook, that’s all. You can keep chasing your tail if you choose to believe otherwise. If you’re confusing me with someone else then I’m not responsible. I’m not after notoriety in the slightest.
What I’m seeing before me is just another person, one who belongs to a clique of similarly minded individuals, who have become confused and befuddled by the patchwork blanket of conspiracies and guesswork they’ve wrapped themselves in. Keep repeating the same points in an echo chamber of people with similar ideas and you begin to convince yourself you’re correct. You only hear yes. Don’t make the mistake of ending up like those crop circle casualties that have all but driven themselves crazy because they don’t have control over something that is uncontrollable. 🤷♂️
Now that is a genuinely interesting post. Maybe this is honesty day? My alignments are not as you suspect and my methods differ, but that’s fairly irrelevant. In fact I adore uncontrollability and periodically select an area of interest to build in a little more volatility. In the past you have been blamed for something I created more than once as a matter of fact. Sorry, but I thought it was funny. Juvenile but funny. As for the multiple-sources of output in Wiltshire and environs? This is not news. Let’s just say for me 2000-ish was a memorable=ish year-ish and I maintain an active interest in Wiltshire nightlife. I’ve been falsely blamed for other identities and web-pages myself – including one who published some of my old collateral alongside some other stuff. Sincerely now: I respect whose who wish to operate in anonymity but am aggrieved by those who use that basis to shame not avatars but actual, identifiable people. I have no tolerance for it; especially the kind of ET-wingnut who posts childish insult-cartoons of those she dislikes. I’d have little sympathy should she be comprehensively doxxed and actually inconvenienced in RL. I look at the history of this blog and I take issue with the method. It reached peak negativity and it is wholly unnecessary. I don’t find myself warming to your output to date. In fact I find it generally petty and hypocritical, especially when you splash real names to score points. Most message board crap is just sport: cheap, easy and limited shelf-life but the real bad blood spills out. The land artist of whom you speak is quite evidently just doing his own thing this year, You don’t have to like it; you’re not a restaurant critic. I wouldn’t know if I hold the same views or sympathies as him, but so what? He isn’t running a hate-blog. It seems your primary source of discord is that you are content with the CC “system” and he is not. Both views are arguable and everyone will have a position on it. Surprisingly, both those positions still have more in common than the contrary view that neither is relevant because alien-floating-orb-earth-vortex-flim-flam, or something. But maybe you should rejoice, the biggest pain in the ass in the crop circle world has moved on to bobbing down sewers in his urbex-rib (may God bless his soul and keep his Tomos running), so things are looking up. Plus he gets actual Patreon donations from punters watching him break down on long-form videos. Back in circle world, You’ve got “Guy” and “Lorenzo” to to spice things up this season plus a few more tidbits in the pipeline. Orbs all over the place. Even Geoff is looking forward to the good times back at the Red Lion (masks permitting). There’s room for fun, yet. Chill brother. We are siblings.
‘Karen’, consider there are two sides to every story. The angel in question has no halo, for reasons way beyond those you suggest are responsible for the sparring.
With regard to Jack Jane, I’ve yet to see anything resembling definitive evidence linking her to Joanna Emery. Somehow (and I can guess how) Dene has come into possession of an IP address originating in the Toronto area. There’s nothing but an assumption this IP address is shared by Emery and Jack Jane. Something more solid is definitely required. Were I to be able to offer advice to Emery, I would suggest she doesn’t pay the doxxing any attention; the reality is nobody cares. Jack Jane is just another social media account.
As for Williams, I understand he was very quick to fly Hackpen Hill after the formation that appeared there not long ago. I hope our break from him turns into something more permanent although I’m far from convinced.
“Karen’, consider there are two sides to every story. The angel in question has no halo, for reasons way beyond those you suggest are responsible for the sparring.”
Ooh you’re such a tease, flashing a little ankle like that. I could be convinced of your virtue. just whisper it in my ear in a reply below. Don’t forget to encrypt.
Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0
I’m not arguing that I’m virtuous. However, I don’t think much else needs to be said after reading these screencaps. Your innocent angel going under the name Richard Pitman…
I’m not sure of your relationship to Richard Pitman but if you’re a friend rather than a hanger on, you should perhaps be showing some genuine concern for his welfare. He doesn’t seem to have noticed that when he plays nicely then others do too.
“Your innocent angel going under the name Richard Pitman…”
I don’t own any angels, Moomin. I thought you said “I post as Paula McIntosh on Facebook, that’s all”. I did let that hypocrisy slide at the time but if you want to bring it up, be my guest.
This is beside the point. We’re not moving forward are we? I thought you were going to bring up some historic infraction justifying the state of play, but instead, you just pasted some links to this weeks insult exchange, justifying nothing at all. Pretty Petty.
Furthermore, the actual Richard Pitman I’ve seen bears no resemblance to the “Richard Pitman/Dene Hine” you point to. At least based on what the Dene Hine in Tencent’s documentary looked like. I was in the other van though, so could be wrong. In a pinch, I’d say it’s always possible to share a facebook password among associates. I’ve no idea who (plural) uses the Richard Pitman account, I’ll leave it up to the loudest voices to thresh the grain out, if anyone cares. I’ve already turned the volume down already on some posters who love the sound of their own voice too much. This room is quieter.
Speaking of associates and loud voices, or at a minimum, people who want to associate with you on their own terms… Your #1 fan of the page Geoff posted an interesting video of “Richard Pitman” making a circle from which some things can be deduced. Elementary, my dear Watson…
1. Nice hat. We’ve seen that hat before, but it belongs to a local youtuber.
2. It’s strangely broad daylight and judging by the lay many many hours after that was originally put down. What gives? Cui bono?
3. Our planking man is using an interesting tool and is not holding a drone controller, so who is flying the drone and why?
4. It was shared to a a particular TikTok account. Is hat-man known to the drone pilot? What could be the motivation?
I got 4/4, maybe you will too. (Geoff’s wrong about 2, for example. Actually, Geoff’s wrong about all of it, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he doesn’t understand what he’s seeing and thinks this is “Dene Hine”).
And.. this is why it’s fun. Watching folk guess wrong. Mixing up their co-ordinate frames.
No worries. Since professionally I know the difference between resolution, repeatability and accuracy I like to keep my projections on track and my co-ordinate frames in order – Colin and Joanna loved them; rave reviews. Uncertainty is more than a given, it is quantifiable and part of all deterministic systems. However, what really floats my boat are non-deterministic systems. The next one is already running and iterating autonomously. Unfortunately, it’s a delayed gratification deal but the best things come to whose who wait. It’s in the pipeline; good enough for me.
You know my legal name. Good for you. It’s Mu’min Hârun.
There was no hypocrisy at all when it came to my previous comments.
The screenshots demonstrated your land artist going about his business in a fashion that’s very different to the point you were making. To channel the Home Secretary, I’m sorry if you feel that has upset you.
I request you please speak to the originator of that video footage rather than leaving questions here on an issue I’m not involved with. I would also request you contact Geoff directly if you have any matters to raise with him.
Finally, remember it’s just flattened plants. Nothing more. I get the distinct impression that some people are very keen to jump on certain matters for their own agenda, whether it be in response to settling scores, fairy tales about money or who did what. They’d be best served by taking a step back and noting a causal correlation between what gets written on social media and how it is covered here and elsewhere.
Rather than showing a wonky circle by some anonymous team and subsequent reason for merriment the video referenced above reveals rather more about what’s wrong with the bigger picture. Answers to the quiz.
1. Matt Williams.
2. Matt Williams didn’t make it since he’s using an improvised tool, but it must need a touch up and there is a deadline to publish imposed by the CCC.
3. Matt Williams is showing [photographer] the ropes while [photographer] controls the drone.
4. [Photographer] shared it. Can the drone guys be trusted not to share things they shouldn’t?
Deadlines to create a product. Rivalries spilling secrets into the public sphere. This would benefit from more obfuscation not less.
‘Karen’, you seem to be short on truths despite having everything seemingly worked out in your head. You’re clinging on to an image of your boy being bullied out of the fields when in fact, as already mentioned above, he’s not the poor victim at all. Speak to someone like the daughter of the individual who runs the Crop Circle Forum on Facebook. What did she do to deserve her photos being stolen and posted online by your misunderstood hero? Nothing.
Let’s address your points.
One, it is Matthew Williams in the video.
Two, Williams is pushing the crop down using what was apparently a long cardboard tube attached to paracord. The circle didn’t need touching up, it needed certain areas flattening because your poor land artist had messed up two of the petals. Where does this imposition of deadlines by the Crop Circle Connector stuff come from? It’s totally false. It’s this nonsensical speculation that led to another Karen being wrongly accused of designing circles to be made by her favoured team. Ditto being wrongly accused of training another circle making team. Too many people think they know what’s going on when, in reality, they’re clueless and driven by their own obsessive and paranoid behaviour.
Three, what do you mean Matthew Williams was showing the photographer the ropes? If this is a suggestion the photographer in question is a circle maker then think again.
Four, the video was not shared online by the photographer. It was your man who did this through his own TikTok account.
There are no deadlines for any circle makers to create a product. Circles appear where and when their creators want them to. No website or photographers are in a position to demand any circle maker creates any crop circle, never mind by a specific date or time. I appreciate you seem to buy into this laughable, conspiratorial narrative of the mythical money pot but it just goes to show how ill informed you are.
As for those rivalries, there seems to have been one individual circle maker in the last few years who has been running his mouth with nothing good to say about anyone else. As shown above in the comments from his Richard Pitman alias, he’s not stopped. He sees an apparent rival as being here, there and under the stairs. He’s no real grasp of what’s going on but is quick to spew rubbish as facts which are eagerly picked up on by his band of followers, some of whom seem to exploit him for their own means. There are no rivalries anywhere except in your man’s mind. He should spend more time worrying about what he puts down in the field than what’s going on around him. He’d do well to cast off the hangers-on who have done him no favours at all.
I knew perfectly well who was stomping crop in that video, but I like winding captain wonk (dene) up..
I’ll sign off with my real name too, because I’m not a twat. BTW Nurit, I’m still waiting for the nipple pics. 😀
Come on Buttercup , we all know you love the attention 😉
Wow. You really are revealing what chafes you. For the sake of completeness, I already told you way way up this page that Dene Hine is not my guy That’s your own Moby Dick, Ahab. If it makes you feel better you have my permission to imagine he is. Salve your soul with it. Perhaps if you weren’t so fixated on him you could find the circle of life more relaxing, like me. Bored of the golden ratio? Try quaternions on for size.
You probably received incorrect information from somewhere. That’s the trouble with gossips.
Furthermore, I have no idea who Richard Pitman is beyond the fact, and it is a fact, that I have encountered some fellow traveller calling himself Richard Pitman who looks physically different from Dene Hine. Not this Dene Hine character from TV wearing a fake moustache but a completely different individual and in an utterly different context, on the road from Warminster to Westbury. The unlikelihood of this to me is striking and amusing. I say this to help you understand something you are maybe missing about the Richard Pitman affair. Maybe he’s a golem from Cley Hill? Maybe. But he looked real, he’s not from Somerset and I’ve not seen him since. My, but he seems to have developed a potty mouth.
I can’t deny I find it pretty funny, because he does a mean straw dolly.
Why don’t you have the last word?
Your defence is more laughable than when the owner of a certain Facebook group tried to claim they were a former Army Air Corps helicopter pilot. Next you’ll be telling me there is only one Luther Blissett.
The Croppie is bored of you now. If you’ve got something intelligent and meaningful to say please feel free to continue posting, otherwise drivel such as that you posted this morning will be deleted.
Pretty sure the Karen posting isn’t Nurit.
Which makes the comments even more interesting.
It has been put to The Croppie that ‘Karen’ is more than one person. I was amused to see that one VPN IP address resolves in Toronto,Canada. It’s all good fun and games. There is no problem with ‘Karen’ posting, no matter their real identity. All that’s important is that their words are relevant and meaningful as I’m not one to block and bitch.