Croppie Gossip: Pay Up Or You Won’t Get Any Circles

The Croppie thought it had been a quiet season in Dorset this year with nothing appearing in the fields. Normally, culprit Deiniol ‘Dan’ Davies (yes, the same one from Roman Road, Broadstone who threatened rape against a female croppie earlier in the year) is quick to tell the world that’s he’s going to make a mess in the fields. But, despite an assurance that we could ‘bank’ on him getting out we have seen absolutely nothing. And now we know why:
Davies has apparently been sending emails to the Crop Circle Connector and crop circle photographers demanding payment to make circles for them. Take this example sent to the Connector:
Eerie halfwit Davies hasn’t just been emailing these people though, he’s been harrassing a close relative of the female he threatened to rape.
You have to wonder why Davies can’t leave this female alone. He threatens to rape her and then starts bothering her relatives. He seems completely obsessed with her to an unhealthy degree.
Having been confronted with the allegations of his behaviour, Davies (aka Dominic Smith and Frack Off) took to Facebook and responded by randomly abusing crop circle researchers including the elderly Lucy Pringle.
What a delightful fellow Deiniol Davies is. It’s no wonder he has been blocked from near enough every crop circle group for his idiotic behaviour. Perhaps the only good thing about this situation is we have been spared his amateurish bumblings in the field. We also don’t think anyone was foolish enough to pay for his messes. If you need a reminder of what a bottom rung circle hasher Davies is, just recall this example from last year:

Why would anyone want the world to see this mess … unless they’ve no shame? Congratulations Dan Davies.
The Croppie has been told by more than one source that Davies is probably lucky to have his teeth intact after this year’s idiocy. Whilst this site doesn’t condone violence we aren’t surprised to hear such sentiments towards Davies. After all, we received 45 unanswered messages from the lunatic in one sitting. It must be very testing for people who aren’t used to the abuse, unlike The Croppie, to handle such a onslaught.
In the meantime, just to tide you over whilst we collate Davies’s social media harrassment, here is just a small example of the ravings sent to this website from his Instagram account @instasnapsnap:

Dust. Dust and Darkness. You can choose your friends, but ya can’t choose ya fam’. Nevertheless: all par for the course in a lively internet columnist’s career. Hold on, writers prefer credit for their work, or if they are good at it: payment. The lack of which means… it’s just a hobby, not a profession. Amateur domain. Surrounded by them. Seems only Fish-man can sell novelty tea-towels and prints to get some kind of public acknowledgement it’s not all a colossal waste of effort. Good for him: the face of British crop circles. Three blades was such a pushover – we needed someone who could hold their own on facebook – like calling out idiot drivers and red-light cyclists. Driven by insecurity to a competitive edge. Much better now. I’m off to convince someone ghosts are real and their deceased grandfather is looking over their shoulder. I do cold readings for free. L8tarz buddy.