2022 Circles: Owl House, Hackpen Hill, Nr Broad Hinton, Wiltshire

Jun 5, 2022 | 2022 Season | 1 comment


Date Reported: 4 June 2022
Location: Owl House, Hackpen Hill, Nr Broad Hinton, Wiltshire

It’s been a good while since there has been a crop circle containing a coded message. The Croppie was therefore very surprised to learn one had appeared underneath Hackpen Hill in Wiltshire.

The communication in this unusual formation was instantly recognisable as binary:


Put these sequences into a binary-to-text converter and it spells out the word ‘love’. Yes, a message of love at Hackpen Hill. Cute … and somehow it seems vaguely familiar. Then again, aren’t crop circles some sort of giant Rorschach test?

Photograph by The Croppie