2022 Circles: Chute Causeway Groundshots

If you want to view some ground shots from the 22 May 2022 crop circle at Chute Causeway in Wiltshire then you’ve come to the right page!

Photography by Nick Bull

If you want to view some ground shots from the 22 May 2022 crop circle at Chute Causeway in Wiltshire then you’ve come to the right page!
Photography by Nick Bull
The po are coming for you watch out
Yes, it’s terrible that a crop circle be photographed and reported on. The Croppie is unsure why you’re choosing to rage here today.
*** A comment that was posted here has been deleted. As much as the individual mentioned in the comment may warrant lessons in social skills, the posting of their address is not appropriate on The Croppie. This isn’t the place for it. ***
Dear Croppie
Being interested in crop-circles for a while and comparing with own super-sensual experiences a picture of the phenomenon is taking form for me. Much can be said , much can be made, the geometry is intriguing and as a visual artist I am astonished by the beauty af many which I have copied through Zef Damen splendid work.
Well, This particular crop circles cannot fit into the part of them to be genuine. The reason is the twist of the aks which is…..handwork. Forces making the circles until now has so far I know NOT been making these kinds of knots and I think you should be questioning it.
Could you make a comment on it?
Thank you
Bedst regards
Peter Kruse Larsen
e-mail soebredden@hotmail.com
Hi Peter
Features such as knots and ‘nests’ aren’t new in crop circles. A fair few have been recorded before. They just haven’t appeared very often in recent years.