Reported: 8 June 2020
Location: Crawley Down, Nr Winchester, Hampshire
Lead photograph by Nick Bull
It has been a long time since there was a crop circle in the vicinity of Crawley Down near Winchester, Hampshire. The eightfold geometry has echoes of the classic quintuplets of the past. This is a crop circle that speaks for itself.

Photograph by Hannah Allison.
Scroll down for videos and image galleries.
A gallery of photographs by The Hampshire Flyer:
View the gallery by Nick Bull:
Shortly after this post went online The Croppie was sent a video from inside the circle by Hannah Allison. Thank you:
Finally, some groundshots from a visit by The Croppie. Click on the images.
Wow.. Stunning.
Greg ate me for the first time in years after viewing the video. Haha. Fuck you fish and chips. Loser!
Whilst those videos of cogs above are very picturesque, they are not a patch on the number one rated crop circle video of all time; the Red Collie sewerage plant perpetual motion machine of Sixpenny Handley.
The greatest unofficial crop circle video H ever made. No doubt.
You’ve heard of 180 degree IMAX? This was a full 360 degrees of GUY&MAX! Watch out for the unedited version showing the full setting for this jewel. We must tip our hats to the makers. Though for the price of that blingy kitch, they should be tipping us.
Why, oh why didn’t the Guy receive the mail with the wider view on google maps. What kind of daemon would suggest that field but zoom in too far on the screen grab to show the sewerage plant. It looked like such a nice field, even in the gloom, especially if you were upwind. I suppose if you are just boots for hire you let the client have it their way: no arguments. It’s their show, they don’t always need to know the details. I don’t feel any guilt.
That was quite a year for Sixpenny Handley’s domestic waste disposal. There was the manhole by the sewage treatment plant and a rotten old in-sink waste disposal unit just up the road at Ackling Dyke. Here at The Croppie we never understood why someone would go back to the site of possibly their greatest work and deposit such a fourth rate imitation. You’ll remember that this one disappeared in curious circumstances as if it shredded itself through embarrassment at its own appearance. We suspect the wrecker was someone connected to the plumber, possibly his mate, but there’s no proof of that.
Interesting. That’s the mainline take by the faithful of course…..That it was a malformed star, with radiant beams, set in a staggered ring representing the eclipse.
Not an Art Brut winking starfish in a burning ring.
Just a theory. Normally that would be segment lines to form a star, but if a team member was to keep stumm and continue by using a central protractor in the field with a cluster of small “errors in scale reading”, the star could become a little kinkier and satisfying for fun. There’s no proof of that.
I think the location of the burning ring has become very apparent.
Mork calling Orsen, Come in, Orsen.
Tell Enzo to pass on to JJ the bagel is complete and that tryst in the mist was a lot of fun. We can “Un-Clench” those cheeks now and enjoy that Cider by the Royal Oak.
Om nom nom.
Nanu, Nanu.
Gotta hand it to you, beats anything we’ve ever done by miles. Season is young though, so game on!
Dan & Dene. (married 9 years)
You need need to take charge this year Dan darling as I have a potato growing on my eye