Reported: 9 August 2020
Location: Woolstone Wells, near Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire
Lead photograph by Nick Bull
Oxfordshire is traditionally crop circle country’s third county, behind Wiltshire and Hampshire. It’s dotted with sites of ancient significance, one being the Uffington White Horse. This formation appeared under the gaze of the White Horse and the flat topped Dragon Hill in a small wheat field close to the village of Woolstone.

Photograph by Nick Bull
There’s something strongly redolent about the archetypal crop circle of the 2000s incorporated into this formation. It’s The Croppie’s favourite of the season to date. Perhaps it’s the timeless minimalism of the design, its position within the landscape or maybe the dark figures sometimes observed dashing through and over the fields in this vicinity. Or maybe its something else, like a connection between the ghosts of the past and the promise of the future?

Photograph by Nick Bull
Finally, a couple of ground shots from Guy Shepherd who captured them before being asked to leave by the farmer. Thank you, Guy, for drawing our attention to the curious lay in the central circle:

Photograph by Guy Shepherd.

Photograph by Guy Shepherd.