What have the good folk of the crop circle community been up to of late? Here’s The Croppie’s favourites of the moment…
Michael Glickman
Word reached The Croppie that architect-cum-geometer-cum-controversial croppie Michael Glickman spoke at the Night of Crop Circling event this month with a quite extraordinary lecture. You know, the one he always gives, raging against human circle makers and encouraging croppies everywhere to ‘shun’ these ‘louts’. He wasn’t finished there, stamping upon the ‘idiots’ who listen to circle makers, and spitting venom at anyone who doesn’t know the difference between Πr2 and 2Πr. Finally, and just before this piece was published, Glickman found his knob pulled by the Crop Circle Connector‘s Matthew Williams. Not a bad return.
Monique Klinkenbergh
Dutch croppie Monique returned to England this summer with her free crop circle themed exhibition at The Barge — and it looked great. In spite of all the shameful abuse she has received in recent years, once again she demonstrated how she’s perfectly prepared to let bygones be bygones and embrace everyone in the croppie community.
Paul Jacobs
Some call him driven, cantankerous or tiresome, but once again, Paul Jacobs has been collecting circle admission fees in Dorset and Wiltshire for farmers. Over the first ten days of his tenure at Hackpen Hill, Paul helped farmer James Hussey raise £1,500 for cancer charity Brighter Futures.