Guess Who’s Back? (Possibly)

Aug 19, 2024 | Croppie Gossip | 3 comments

The Croppie woke up this morning with a yawn … and then a sigh when it opened a message containing news that stomper Matthew Williams is ‘coming out of retirement’ and could be set to return to the fields over the next few days.

The source? A livestream on Williams’s YouTube channel, beginning on 18 August 2024, in which he has an exchange with his friend Anthony James.

Here’s a transcript (beginning at 1:26:33 into the video):

James: When we last met you in person … in June … you stated that you was ‘coming out of retirement’.

Williams: Yup. 

James: Have you?

Williams: No, I haven’t.

James: You’ve not.

Williams: Not yet.

James: Right … okay then. The season is virtually over, I should think.

Williams: Yeah, well, if I don’t … if we don’t do something over the next couple of days we’re fucked, aren’t we? 

James: Yeah. 

Williams: Yes and the person I would love to be involved is well aware of what is on the cards and it doesn’t need to be massive, it doesn’t need to be a show-stopper, it just needs to be something sweet [and] to the point.

James: Mmm. Yeah.

Williams: It’s for somebody special who is no longer with us. 

James: Okay, right. I understand that. 

At this point, Williams started to cry and switched his camera off. 

The Croppie assumes that any forthcoming crop circle will be in the Vale of Pewsey or Avebury areas and left as a ‘tribute’ to Essex based circle maker Saul Wilsher who passed earlier this year. 

Although Williams was placed on the spot by James with his line of questioning, it is somewhat foolish of the former to publicly suggest he may be set to return to circle making. During the past two and a half years Williams has found himself on the wrong side of the law, picking up a 3 month custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months, for ‘harrassment without violence’. He was the also the subject of two restraining orders. Most recently, in June 2024, Williams was fined for ‘harrassment’ by breaching one of those orders. As such, had Williams already come out of circle making retirement, he was extremely unlikely to make this known to the wider world. 

Let’s wait and see if anything else appears in the fields before the wheat harvest is complete. If it does, then, well…