2024 Circles: Etchilhampton Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire

Aug 9, 2024 | 2024 Season | 0 comments


Date Reported: 8 August 2024
Location: Etchilhampton Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire

Photograph by Hugh Newman

Let’s be honest. This has been the worst crop circle season on record. Beyond a small quantity of goodies it has been a bleak, tiring affair, punctuated by misadventure, people wanting to be famous and the usual social media based armchair criticism. You know you’re close to the end of days when Enzo Brabazon is announcing the circles’ demise. 

Then this formation shows up in a field of unseasonably green wheat in a tried and tested location. It’s nice. Yeah, nice, we guess, in an airy and woolly way. But it leaves us very flat and we suspect it is part of a deliberately orchestrated show. Our cynicism stems from the date of this circle’s discovery: 8 August, a day when everyone who reads online fluff suddenly starts chirping on about ‘8-8, Lion’s Gate’. What does this even mean? Google is our friend so, let’s check. 8 August is ‘an astrological event when the Sun aligns with Sirius, the bright star in the sky, the Orion constellation, and the Earth. The mythic portal supposedly opens a gateway of heightened cosmic energy, that many believe to be an auspicious time for manifestation and spiritual growth.’ Mmmmm. Sounds like filler for the Hindustan Times. Oh, it actually is. 

If you’re a reader of the Paul Jacobs cult then you will now be waving your hands in the air. You will be bellowing these words: ‘Wait, that link between the date the circle was found and Lion’s Gate isn’t any reason to be cynical.’ Maybe not in isolation, hun, but the location for this one is Etchilhampton Hill, in a field one removed from the James Long monument of … wait for it … a lion. See that here

Yeah, we know. Make of the circle what you will. Six bottle openers, a hex multi-tool or something you may find aesthetically pleasing. 

Interestingly, the usually friendly farmer has requested people stay out of the field.