2024 Circles: Marten Groundshots

Date Reported: 23 July 2024
Location: Marten, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire
One of — maybe even the — quietest crop circle seasons on record slowly stuttered on with the July arrival of the formation at Marten, Wiltshire, close to the borderlands with West Berkshire and Hampshire. Neither the farmer or the land owner was happy with the new arrival and they refused public access. Fair enough, though we understand at least one farm worker became over-zealous, angrily trying to move on drone photographers who were legally flying their DJIs above the crop circle.

Photograph by Crop Circle Explorer
More positively, our regular contributor Hannah Kathleen was able to take some groundshots of her visit to Marten before croppies were turned away from the site. Enjoy what an awful lot of croppies have missed out on…