2023 Crop Circles: Kitt’s Lane Harvest

Date Reported: 30 July 2023
Location: Kitt’s Lane, nr West Meon, Hampshire

Photograph by Crop Circle Explorer
Sometimes you can happen to be in the right place at just the right time and see combines rolling in fields close to a crop circle. With a bit of patience you’ll get the opportunity to document one of the circles we love so much falling under the blades. To do so is to watch and not fully comprehend what is happening at the time.

Photograph by Hannah Kathleen
Should we feel disappointed after the event, should we feel sad? Yes, because the crop circle season is coming to an end — or perhaps already is over. However, crop circles are only ever destined to remain with us each year for a short period of time. And perhaps that is one of the things that makes them so special: they are brief wonders which appear without ownership and pass into history. Step inside a crop circle and you are in a liminal place; it is unworldly location shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, no longer just an area of a cereal field, not yet ready to be harvested with the rest of the crop. Some ask if these are places between Earth and the wider universe.

Photograph by Hannah Kathleen
In the end, even when harvested, this crop circle is reluctant to part and leaves its imprint in the field. The flattened crop hasn’t been picked up — a very amiable contractor explained how they did not attempt to recover these areas as the field contains a lot of large, loose stones that could damage their machinery — and is an eerie contrast to the darker areas where the wheat has been cut. If this field is allowed to remain fallow the imprint will remain until the earth is turned.

Photograph by Crop Circle Explorer
If the the season has now culminated we can do nothing but patiently wait for summer to turn to autumn, for autumn to turn to the unpleasantness of winter, for that dark (now often wet) period to turn to the hope of spring. By mid-May 2024, the barley fields of Hampshire, Wiltshire and their neighbouring counties will be mature enough to hold more crop circles. And we’ve no doubt that the phenomenon will return.
For all of the fear-mongering by the jealous and insecure, for all of the attempts to rubbish the crop circles and humiliate those closest to them, the circles will be back. Crop circles cannot be controlled or destroyed by any individual or group of people. The circles will find a way to come return and provide wonder, peace, enjoyment, solace, awe and tranquility to those who appreciate or need them. As such, the harvest should not be seen as an ending. It is simply the period in which we look forward to a new beginning. To be part of the crop circles is to understand the changing seasons, the cycle of nature, learn from patience and to contemplate the meaning of these authorless wonders. It is to ignore the noise and think on a much bigger, deeper scale.