When The Intelligence Services Tried to Recruit Cerealogists

It isn’t just circle makers that the dark powers apparently want on board. (The Croppie has covered what happened there in another article you can view by clicking here) Cerealogist Colin Andrews would have us believe he was approached by a CIA agent in 1989 to ‘buy [him] into a plan’. On BBC’s Daytime Live show the agent, as a live audience member, claimed to have seen a crop circle forming whilst studying foxes in rural Scotland. A few weeks later this same man supposedly turned up unannounced at Andrews’ home and, as the pair walked around the local area, clumsily identified himself as being in the pay of the CIA. The organisation apparently wished to discredit crop circle researchers other than Andrews. He was asked to take part in a television interview.
Andrews picked up the thread in an interview with conspiracy theorist Jon King:
During the course of this interview I was to make one statement, and one statement only. [The agent] wanted me to state publicly that the crop circle phenomenon was a hoax. When we got back to my home he said that he would show me how to say it and what to say. In return for this I was offered a bank account in Switzerland, in which would be enough money that I would never need to even think about money ever again. On top of this he said that they were in possession of some kind of ‘instrument’ which they would send to me within two weeks. He said that this instrument would allow me to identify immediately a real crop circle from a hoax – something that, presumably, could measure some or other microwave residue, or some other residual effect. He told me: ‘You will then be in a privileged position, and we will put you right out there as the number one crop circle expert.
Of course, the magic instrument never showed up and Andrews resisted the dark powers at work. He bravely battled on as other cerealogists fell by the wayside, but they certainly weren’t the victims of a desperate government eager to mask the truth about crop circles. Terence Meaden and Pat Delgado became victims of their own over-eagerness to declare human made formations to be the product of their own pet theories. Others drifted away from the subject or succumbed to illness.
Far from being taken out of cerealogy himself, Andrews has remained a presence to this day. If the naturalist (quite likely one Mr Sandy Reid of Dundee) who supposedly claimed to be a CIA agent really did approach Andrews in the manner stated, it seems highly probable he was on a wind-up.