2022 Circles: Kiteland Cottages, nr Micheldever Station, Hampshire

Date Reported: 3 July 2022
Location: Kitelands, nr Micheldever Station, Hampshire
It’s normally the Winchester area of Hampshire that receives crop circles, but this tesselated formation was found alongside the A303 close to Micheldever Station. Apparently it can’t be missed by passing motorists!
Oh how romantic sharing her photo
She will wake up soon and see you for what you really are.
Monique was a lot of fun. A good night all round. Free helicopter rides the next day. We had the UFO group up on the hill on the wind up with night vision camera shots of the mystery helicopter. They nearly shit themselves with glee at an actual black helicopter. All on tape. Great view of Matt’s fireworks. Matt chasing the team down in our Land Rover after we drove around in the helicopter field on main beam. Lost us on the way to Devizes when we went for munchies. The second best bit was buzzing Matt with my Mavic. Top of the day had to be accidentally/deliberately buzzing Pyrka though. A pity they cut that, he was dancing around trying not to get hit by the “malfunctioning” drone. Top entertainment. The crop circle was incidental. I made real cash pounds.