All of the short form buzz from behind the scenes of croppiedom. And what a crappy week to start with…
Respect Is A Two Way Street
The Croppie recently received an email from cerealogist Joanna Emery requesting her name was removed from one specific article in connection to Facebook troll-pig Jack Jane. The Croppie initially played along but requested, in return, an apology from her fanboy Peter King; this is the peculiar individual who harrassed a circles-unconnected relative of one of The Croppie‘s writers.

Peter King: Creep
The Croppie suggested to Emery that she perhaps reach out to the individuals on Facebook who continue to name her as Jack Jane and ask why they do so. There was no response to this suggestion. Neither has there been any response from creepy Pete. Game over.
Mark Fussell: Step Up
Mark Fussell of the Crop Circle Connector has jumped to the defence of Canadian croppie Joanna Emery on Circle Chasers, denying she’s notoriously vile bottom-feeder Jack Jane. Meanwhile the latter is free to post as she wishes, ridiculing the children of one user and casting aspersions as to the sexual orientation of some croppies. Come on Fussell, why don’t you just do the right thing? The Croppie can think of people who have been banned from Chasers simply because one person moaned about them. Similarly, bans have been issued to others and those individuals have been allowed to return and continue posting their nonsense. Do your job or hand Circle Chasers over to someone who will actually take the time to control it properly.
There is someone out there, once linked to the Connector, who can likely prove whether Jack Jane and Emery share the same IP address. This same person can also prove whether Win Keech filmed cars in East Field on the same night the 777 circle appeared, yet for some reason they deliberately choose to remain silent. Perhaps it’s time they’re contacted?
The Eternal Victim Gets Victimised Again
Two time Top of the Croppies winner Matthew Williams has released a (very long) video in which he whines about being trolled. That’s a bit ripe isn’t it, given all of the lie packed content he has broadcast to get at others on YouTube. Still, check out guest Johny Webb who seems to think hilariously transparent trickster Robbert van den Broeke has genuine supernatural abilities.
He Is A Man Who Will Fight For Your Honour
Finally, and definitely not to diminish his achievement, The Croppie would like to congratulate Robin ‘White’ Knight for derailing one of the most amusing threads seen on Circle Chasers in a very long time. How everyone watching marvelled as a discussion developed over which two croppies had found themselves in a ‘steamy’ relationship during 2020. It was all very interesting until Robin noticed some circle makers had been mentioned. He couldn’t resist picking up his mace and sword, strapping on his armour and rushing to the defence of the people he constantly likes to name-drop. Then the thread disappeared. Chill out Sir Robin, it’s just bantz, hun.
I think you’ll find “fusty” Mark Fussell and dear Joanna enjoy web cam “chats”, It answers why the pig faced troll has free reign on that particular cess pit Facebook group. Each to their own I guess. Cameron found joy of the porcine variety and I’d wager he has higher standards than “fusty”.
Ive followed Cropcircles over the years since 1993…..if you wish to know more about the 07.07.07 cropcircle…
I think most people know what’s necessary to know about that farrago by now, Carlos.
Maybe Jack-is really Gregory !!!
There is definitely a connection between Gregory Joanna and Jack Jane …..
As for Robin …. he really needs to wind his neck in , he’s a real bore of a fan boy !
Matt Williams has genuinely lost the plot now…he also thinks he’s Covid immune and can go about breaking and entering with his crow bar !
Thanks for a great piece Geoffrey
Poor old Robin. Posting on Chasers like a bitch then deleting his comments before they get seen. Or so he thought. He seems to be another to add to the homophobia club.
Deleted comments?
You know, posts about appearance and sexual orientation that disappeared. Plus a photo that disappeared.
No comments deleted here. Yes there was one about lost or gained weight but certainly nothing about sexual orientation.
Funnily enough those comments disappeared when “becky”deleted the thread not before.
Much like the previous comment on here something to do with servile…
And yes a big fan of anyone who gets out in the field to produce. Mystery or not.
Comments don’t disappear on Facebook without some form of human intervention. The Croppie saw the sexual orientation comments as well as the photo. I imagine you must a get a lot of strange looks and even offers when spend your entire life on your knees.
The Croppie is not familiar with any self-respecting circle maker who would view your fawning, servile nature as anything other than odd or peculiar. I expect they would prefer you to direct your attentions elsewhere. If they want a delivery boy or shoe licker they will call. In the meantime, if you wish to play games with photographs then The Croppie will happily join in.
Yes there was a photo of a certain maker holding a coffee cup.
Yes there was comment about that maker having lost weight or gained weight compared to another photo of the same person featured earlier in the thread.
And comments about why the original poster had only included the “smaller” makers in the thread and not the arguably “bigger” makers.
Feel free to tell me where sexual orientation came into the equation as it certainly wasn’t from me as i care not.
I think you’ve gotten up too quickly from your knees. The Croppie saw enough of what was posted to make a judgment. I guess that perhaps you too would go anywhere as long as it involved consenting participants? I guess that leaves you open to quite a range of allegations as well?
Disingenuous denials aside, the one thing The Croppie still doesn’t quite grasp is why there was any need to derail that thread. But it must be boring under the log pile waiting for a gruffalo to come along.
Derailing of a public thread?
By asking why other names or even pictures weren’t involved.
How does a comment about consenting adults become homophobic?
The thread had much more life, i didn’t delete it….
Missing more than one point here.
The most important one: do you really believe it is valid to suggest a gay man would have sex anyone that consented? For example, a child? Do you think it would be acceptable to have the same written about you? Or maybe you prefer goats? The Croppie really doesn’t know.
It does not need an IQ higher than a below par ferret, weasel or snake to grasp the real reason you derailed that thread. It involved rushing to the defence of someone else who was mentioned in it, The Croppie imagines. Let’s hope all the self-flagellation and knee-ache is worth it in the long run.
Last time i checked adults in the definition of sexual relations means those over 18.
You’re moving the goalposts. Adults weren’t mentioned.
Apologies 16.
And sexual orientation was never mentioned
You know full well the comments were made in relation to a man named by Jack Jane in the post as ‘gay’.
Your homophobia does not wash on The Croppie whether it is casual or deliberate. Only you know which of these is correct. End of story.
That has already been addressed in my earlier comment. You knew the individual concerned had been named as ‘gay’.
Perhaps if the thread haven’t been deleted for some unknown reason… you could prove the homophobic allegations because they certainly weren’t meant like tgat from me and too my knowledge not present.
That has already been addressed in my earlier comment. You knew the individual concerned had been named as ‘gay’.
You have either misread or got the wrong person then.
Shame it’s not possible to look back for some reason.
I pride myself on being tolerate to all people regardless of sex orientation, race, ethnicity etc etc.
I will openly apologise here if my comments have some how been taken the wrong way though.
Definitely not the wrong person. You’re Robin Knight aren’t you, Robin Knight? You need to seriously think about your comments with regard to the sexuality of others. The Croppie will spare you a further lecture and accept your prejudice as casual.
The Croppie is curious, why was Becky outed as a supposed third party?
“Becky” is a very obvious fake profile. Shame people feel the need to hide behind them. Much the subject of this blog post actually.
That’s ripe. 😂😂😂😂
The Croppie notes that not everyone using a fake account is up to no good. You seem to appreciate the association with a number of individuals who use fake accounts.
Fussel is definitely hiding up Emery’s dress
It’s about time that page was managed properly
From what I saw Robin accused someone of being a fake profile then the page administration deleted the post.! Which was the best post I had seen in ages !
Thanks Robin for being such a bore and getting it taken down !!
Apologies,” I pressed the wrong button.👍 If you want to learn more about the 07.07.07 cropcircle please add me to the group.. Andy Buckley please get ready for some questions thank you..
Hi Carlos. What are your views on 777 and what happened?