July seems such a long time ago. A terribly slow month for circles was enlivened by the antics of YouTube ‘star’ Matthew Williams as he set to disrupting the attempts of land-artist-cum-circles-hoaxer Dene and a Chinese television crew to lay down a small formation for croppie Monique Klinkenbergh. Filled with the peril of farmer Tim Carson refusing to let Williams step foot on his land and the drama of the land artist selling out Williams for £1500, it was a tale of double-dealing, firework throwing, dog-marrying and live-streamed ranting. (You can read the full recap here.) Just as The Croppie had almost forgotten about it all, the Air BNB sponsored episode of The Second Season of Adventures”, No. 2: Feng Shaofeng’s crop circle looks for mysterious phenomena, sharing sweet life after marriage has found its way online!

Dutch croppie Monique Klinkenbergh and Dene share a special moment.
You can watch the snappily titled episode by clicking here. Note (1) the episode is in both English and Chinese, and (2) the video will not play in its entirety on a mobile device. Better still … it’s now up on YouTube:

Matthew Williams really wasn’t happy at being sold out. But the question is, did he come from a rave, a goods yard or a far right yellow jacket protest?
If you can’t watch the video, the key moments are when Dene tells Williams that farmer Carson won’t play ball. Williams strops out (something that is always a treat to watch) whilst Dene looks extremely awkward at having sold out his former friend. From then on in Williams is painted out as the spoiler he is. Clips from his YouTube livestream are sequenced alongside the Chinese production company’s own footage. It makes for an amusing climax as fireworks begin to explode and the local constabulary are called. Of course, Williams hasn’t been able to leave things alone and he’s released a retort video on YouTube…
…quickly followed by a nasty, thuggish, threatening swipe at another former ally, Andrew Pyrka, who took Williams’s place on Dene’s circle making team. (It also contained unpleasant racial abuse.) The threatening video has now disappeared, although it is not known why or who had it removed. It demanded that Pyrka remove his circles Facebook groups Report A Crop Circle Formation and Crop Circle Wisdom. It also demanded Pyrka forward any money he received from the filming — including expenses — to Williams, then disappear from the circles scene. Curiously, it seems Andrew Pyrka has deleted those two Facebook groups.
Just another day in the crop circle world, everyone.