Reported: 25 May 2017
Location: Milk Hill (underneath), Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Lead photograph by Crop Circles From the Air
This is what visiting crop circles used to be like. A warm, late spring afternoon; tall field of barley; dusty, dry ground and a fantastic view. All underneath the Alton Barnes White Horse. The only thing that comes close is Gary King’s incredible photograph of this formation. A few people online have commented that the circle looks like a fidget spinner wearing a crown.

Photograph by Gary King
The Croppie walked the deceptively long trek up into the field, sticking to the tramlines and sniffling with the barley pollen. It was well worth the streaming eyes and sneezes: inside the crop circle were tourists, almost always quiet. Some meditated, others led down, a woman walked her dog and three teenagers chatted about the landscape. All were drawn to the centre of the formation. There was no entry fee. No honesty box. Just a crop circle with a positive, priceless atmosphere. No politics, no nastiness. It was in the central circle that a two minute audio recording was captured. It will appear here in due course. Why? Well, crop circles are there to be experienced by sight, touch and sound. The latter is significantly overlooked. You catch snippets of other people’s likes, lives and ambitions. In the background there is always the sound of nature mingling with man’s presence. For a while The Croppie undertook a derive around the circle. Weirdly, nobody looking around during The Croppie’s visit set foot inside the ‘crown’. Perhaps it’s because the White Horse is a more natural pull on the eye. Here are some ground shots.