Reported close to the beautiful West Kennett Longbarrow (28 July), and in full view of Silbury Hill, this eight pointed star had an all too brief lifespan. Early visitors were chased from the circle by a very unhappy farmer who later returned to harvest the formation.
Fortunately, Frank Laumen (see top photograph) and the Crop Circle Connector visited in time to take some beautiful photos of this formation.

Photograph by the Crop Circle Connector

Photograph by the Crop Circle Connector

Photograph by the Crop Circle Connector
There are also some gorgeous ground shots of the wonderful detail inside the circle, all taken by Annamieke Witteveen:
The Croppie was unsurprised to learn that Andrew Pyrka and his Crop Circle Wisdom Facebook group had linked this formation to the crop circle lectures being held in Devizes across the subsequent weekend.
The Croppie is interested to know where Pyrka gets his information from, or, more likely, what he feels he achieves by offering nothing more than cynical conjecture. He is still to offer the evidence that the organiser of the conference has paid circle makers to make formations for him, either this year or in the past.
This has been a wonderful crop circle season to date, one that is far too good to be spoiled by the warblings of one bitter individual.