It’s weird what some people can see in a crop circle. The one that arrived under Hackpen Hill on 16 July has attracted some interesting interpretations. Some have commented it’s a commission paid for by car manufacturer Mitsubishi as it contains their logo in the centre!

Photo courtesy of Mr Gyro.
The Croppie is reminded of the transparent vector craft in the old Elite space trading and piracy game. It’s certainly very different from the types of circles we’ve become used to in recent years.
At ground level it possesses some surprises as well. The crop seems to be an unfamiliar variety of awn bearing wheat, whilst the formation’s lines are fine and delicate. It’s fair to say The Croppie fell in love with this crop circle, as did many of the visitors he saw coming and going. Even the farmer seemed among their number!
Hackpen Hill White Horse
The Hackpen white horse is near The Ridgeway on the edge of the Marlborough Downs, two miles south east of Broad Hinton village. Its origin is uncertain. It may have been cut in 1838 by a Henry Eatwell, Broad Hinton parish clerk, perhaps with the assistance of the landlord of a local pub, to commemorate the coronation of Queen Victoria.
Read more @ Wiltshire White Horses
Photograph by Brian Robert Marshall.
On a long Sunday afternoon under the warm Wiltshire sun, who could ask for more?

Photograph courtesy of Lucy Pringle.
Once again, Farmer Hussey has opened up his land for Paul Jacobs to collect £3.00 admission fees; money going to Swindon Hospital’s Brighter Futures appeal.
Top image courtesy of the Crop Circle Connector.
View The Croppie‘s ground shots below.